A proud supporter of the McGrath Foundation via its Pink Fitters Day event, Kumho Tyre dealers will once again pull on their pink shirts to raise awareness of breast cancer as well as much needed funds for the thousands of families across Australia affected by the disease.
On Friday 29th September, management and staff at all Kumho Tyre dealerships and participating retail partners will wear themed pink shirts to raise awareness for the cause. Proceeds from the sale of the pink shirts together with sales of limited edition $5 pink valve caps will be donated to the McGrath Foundation.
In addition to hosting Pink Fitters Day, Kumho Tyre will also give an annual donation of $100,000 to the McGrath Foundation to help place McGrath Breast Care Nurses in communities around Australia.
McGrath Breast Care Nurses provide physical, emotional and psychological support to families experiencing breast cancer, incuding those located in rural and regionalareas.
McGrath Foundation Ambassador and Director, Tracy Bevan, said:
“With more people being diagnosed with breast cancer and living longer with the disease the need for breast care nurses continues to grow. It’s only through the support of businesses such as Kumho Tyre, and the community, that we can continue to place specialist McGrath Breast Care Nurses wherever they’re needed,”
“Pink Fitters Day is a fabulous initiative that enables local residents and businesses in these areas to most importantly support members of their own community but at the same time create awareness and support for the McGrath Foundation.”
Kumho Tyre, Marketing Manager David Basha is incredibly proud of the work the management, staff and all dealerships are doing in this space.
“Each dealership has truly embraced Pink Fitters Day and both the awareness and funds raised goes a long way to helping the McGrath Foundation make life for individuals and families experiencing breast cancer that little bit easier. We have a wonderful association with the McGrath Foundation and we are committed to a long-term, supportive partnership.”
More than 150 Kumho Tyre dealerships and suppliers around the country will be taking part in this event.
Source https://www.kumho.com.au/news-media/news/kumho-tyre-turn-pink-for-a-day
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